Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Humble Pie

Starting May 18th
This is a new series we are getting ready for!!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I found this the other day and thought it was pretty cool:
When Gen. George C. Marshall took command of the Infantry School at Fort Benning, GA, he found the post in a generally run-down condition. Rather than issue orders for specific improvements, he simply got out his own paintbrushes, lawn equipment, etc., and went to work on his personal quarters. The other officers and men, first on his block, then throughout the post, did the same thing, and Fort Benning was brightened up. Leadership by example. Source Unknown.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Saturday and Sunday

This is what I did Saturday morning
Sunday we had a great service as we kicked off the office series. Milton did a great skit with one of the ugliest suites on in the world. Seriously, I don't even think this suit was popular in the 70's!
We learned about about work ethic and integrity with our work.
Point 1: Consider the ant
Point 2: See it from your house

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Behind the scenes

This is what me and Roman worked on this morning. It is one of the drafts for Sundays message.
We had a brainstorming session after coffee at Cafe' on the Corner. It was amazing some of the ideas that sparked after we put our heads together. I have been learning a lot about this kind of stuff from the "Creative Leader" book I am reading. Ed Young has so much info about sermon prep. and some of the things they do. (Like Brainstorming sessions)

I thought this pick would be a sweet behind the scenes photo. Work does go on at this office if you believe it or not. (Sometimes) I have thought about someday putting a web cam in one of the offices that is live 24/7, but then I wouldn't be able to sleep!!!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So I went hiking the other day with Milton and Roman and had a lot of fun. Although I am so out of shape and my body hurts from trying to get back into shape!
The winter in New England seems to add on those few extra pounds.
Cadence starts t-ball practice tonight. She gets her skill from her dad! It is so much fun to watch her run around on the field and play with all those other kids. Some of you know what I am talking about :)
No deep thought for today, except..............I am loving what the bible is saying about work.
Just getting ready for Sunday.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Office

Today we are getting ready for a new series called, "The Office". We are going to deal with work related issues and see what the bible says about work. We have some sweet ideas for this series and are starting to put them all together. The response to the "work survey" was amazing. I was reading them this morning and there was some pretty good stuff. Thanks for filling them out!

Friday, April 18, 2008

This little guy

This little guy will be talked about Sunday........Can't tell you what, you will have to be there. Let's just say that he has a bad day!!!!!

I think we all have had a bad day or two.

Sunday we talk about things that steal our joy. I had great results from the survey we did. This Sunday is the last Sunday of the series and then we get ready to kick off the office.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ya Baby!

Ya Baby!
We are getting geared up for Sunday! I hope you can visit this week! Roman came up with a sweet idea for part of our service. You will have to come and see.
We have some mega ideas in the oven! I can't wait to release them! We have two big events happening this summer that are currently on the burner being discussed. It smells really good!
Keep tabs on our site if you don't attend so that you don't miss anything!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I am so thankful for my girls! No big thought for today. Just thankful!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Roy's house

Today we start getting the ball rolling for Sunday. The Joyful Life is this weeks topic. This is the final week of "The Life you were meant to live". We have really enjoyed this series!

Tonight we have small groups at our Lebanon location. (Roy's house) I can't wait until we start grilling out on small group night. A few more weeks and the weather should be better. Roy makes the best burgers in town!


I started a new book, "The Creative Leader". I am only on page 50, but it is awesome! It is really pumping me up!!!!! BAM!
I can't wait to go to Ed's creative conference in Jan.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tacos and work

Well yesterday we made some good progress. This pic of Steve is him at his best! He talked to a promotions lady from a local Christian radio station. She wants to use our kitchen at the church to prepare food for the Kutless concert in a few weeks. Steve was trying to get us some free advertising, and even asked the lady if she would have Kutless where Family Christian Center t-shirts when they play. Hahahaha! Me and Roman couldn't believe he asked! I don't know if she took Steve seriously???

After that we went to Taco Bell/KFC.


Tom. is part 3 of our current series. "The quiet Life".

Friday, April 11, 2008

Getting ready!

This morning we are getting ready for Sunday. Steve and Roman are working hard on music, videos, handouts, and little details for Sunday. Judy is working hard as normal on everything in the universe. And I just beat level 3 on Halo.

It's been a good morning.


Check out this book

I just finished it the other day. Amazing! It really gets you thinking.

We are going to make all the staff and volunteers read it. I would recommend it to anyone!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

It all starts with you

I was thinking last night about something that could change our environment. Not the earth environment, our personal space. ( Life in general)
When ever we want a better environment, whether it be a better marriage, better job, better friendship, better anything, the best way to change that environment is to start with ourselves.
If we want a better friendship, we must become a better friend.
If we want a better marriage, we must be better wives and husbands.
If we want a better job, we must be better at our job.
If we want a better ministry, we must become better at out ministry.
It all starts with you.
Whatever you want to improve, start with yourself. Instead of trying to change others, change yourself.
This is a guaranteed way to improve your environment. Be a better you. Stop focusing on the condition of your environment, and start focusing on the condition of yourself. We all have something we can work on!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day off

I took yesterday completely off and enjoyed it with my wife. It was my birthday and she surprised me with a fun filled day. All was good until we went to the driving range to hit some golf balls. Maegan showed me up big time. I couldn't hit the ball straight for nothing. And when I did hit the ball, she was laughing at me!!


Today we are back at it in the office. We are getting ready for week 3 of "The life you were meant to live". I can't wait!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

First one

I am trying this blogging thing out for size. Hope it fits.
Today we got the new fcc mailers. They look pretty hot.
Roman nailed the new logo! He has been awesome.
Working on the new site with Karen.
She has some good ideas. Can't Wait!